GDPR Free Cookie Compliance GDPR Cookie Notification Plugin

GDPR Free Cookie Compliance is a free lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create and add simple cookie notification to your website.

For the best user experience on the demo site, the cookies are automatically deleted. This way you can always see the notification toolbar.
Main Features
  • Easy Integration
  • Clean Code
  • Responsive & Mobile Friendly
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Lightweight
  • Free
Want More?
Check out our premium jQuery Cookie GDPR plugin at the following button below:
Browser compatibility
The GDPR Free Cookie Compliance jQuery plugin is compatible with all major browsers.
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • IE Edge
  1. 1 Copy the gdpr-free-cookie-compliance folder to your server's document root folder, next to your index.html file. The gdpr-free-cookie-compliance folder contains the css and js folders.
  2. 2 Add the GDPR Free Cookie Compliance CSS files to the head section on your page:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  3. 3 Add the GDPR Free Cookie Compliance JavaScript files to the head or the body section on your page:
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {
            expire: 365,
            breakpoint: '768px',
            zIndex: 1000000000,
            desc: 'We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to use our site, you accept our cookie policy.',
            moreLinkHref: '',
            moreLinkText: 'More information',
            btnAcceptText: 'Accept',
            bgColor: '#01d',
            color: '#fff',
            fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
            fontSize: '16px',
            btnAcceptBgColor: '#fff',
            btnAcceptBgColorHover: '#e5e7fc',
            btnAcceptBgColorFocus: '#e5e7fc',
            btnAcceptBgColorActive: '#3341e4',
            btnAcceptColor: '#136',
            btnAcceptColorHover: '#025',
            btnAcceptColorFocus: '#025',
            btnAcceptColorActive: '#fff',
            btnAcceptFontSize: '14px'
  4. 4 Set the parameters as you need.
Peoprty Possible Values Default Value Description
expire e.g. 30, 365, 1000, etc. 365 The expiration date of the cookie is from the date specified in days.
breakpoint e.g. '768px', '992px', '48em', etc. '768px' The width above which the box is aligned vertically.
zIndex e.g. null, '1000', '1111111111', etc. '1000000000' The z-index of the box.
bgColor e.g. '#454545', '#369', '#000', '#fff', etc. '#01d' The background color of the box.
fontFamily e.g. null, 'Arial, sans-serif', '"Times New Roman", serif' etc. null The font family of the box.
fontSize null, '13px', '14px', '16px', etc. '16px' The font size of the box.
color e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#fff' The font color of the box.
desc 'Any text what you want' 'We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to use our site, you accept our cookie policy.' The description of the box.
moreLinkText 'Any text what you want' 'More information' The text of the 'More information' link.
moreLinkHref URL e.g. '' null The href attribute of the 'More information' link.
btnAcceptText 'Any text what you want' 'Accept' The text of the accept button.
btnAcceptBgColor e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#fff' The background color of the accept button.
btnAcceptBgColorHover e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#e5e7fc' The hover background color of the accept button.
btnAcceptBgColorFocus e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#e5e7fc' The focus background color of the accept button.
btnAcceptBgColorActive e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#3341e4' The active background color of the accept button.
btnAcceptColor e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#136' The font color of the accept button.
btnAcceptColorHover e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#025' The hover font color of the accept button.
btnAcceptColorFocus e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#025' The focus font color of the accept button.
btnAcceptColorActive e.g. '#333', '#369', '#454545', '#fff', etc. '#fff' The active font color of the accept button.
btnAcceptFontSize null, '13px', '14px', '16px', etc. '14px' The font size of the accept button.
GDPR Free Cookie Compliance – GDPR Consent popup jQuery plugin provides the necessary regulations that affected by cookies. It doesn't offer full compliance with GDPR as you have to follow further rules, that can be discussed by your GDPR consultant or law firm.
Advanced Solution
If you would like to a more flexible solution, please click on the button below:
Version 1.0.0 - Sept 30 2018

- Initial release