GDPR Cookie Law JavaScript GDPR Consent Plugin Example

GDPR Cookie Law – JavaScript GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin example – Animation: none

For the best user experience on the demo site, the cookies are automatically deleted. This way you can always see the notification toolbar.
Animation: none
Example code
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    var gdprCookieLaw = new GDPRCookieLaw({
        moreLinkHref: '',
        animationStatus: false
Related options
Peoprty Possible Values Default Value Description
moreLinkHref URL e.g. '' null The href attribute of the 'More information' link.
animationStatus true, false true Enable or disable the animation status of the pop-up.
animationDuration e.g. 500, 1000, etc. 500 The duration time of the animation in milliseconds.
animationName null, 'fade', 'slide', 'fade-slide' 'fade' The type of the animation.